The Plan
Each chapter of the plan is available in pdf format below. Element-specific information, including the relevant chapter and appendix, is available under "THE PLAN" portion of this website.
Each chapter of the plan is available in pdf format below. Element-specific information, including the relevant chapter and appendix, is available under "THE PLAN" portion of this website.
Columbia Compass received an honorable mention from the South Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association (SCAPA) as the 2020 Outstanding Planning Project - Innovative Use of Technology! VIRTUAL INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS - JUNE 25
In this video, the planning team provides a brief overview of the plan and planning process, and discusses frequently asked questions during a Q&A session. Two duplicative meetings were hosted virtually on June 25th; the meeting linked above is the first of the two meetings, though both are available for viewing on CityTV. FOCUS ON HISTORIC PRESERVATION
In this video, two residents of historic districts discuss the character and sense of community found throughout Columbia’s historic neighborhoods, and why the preservation of these places is important to them. Recommendations of Columbia Compass related to historic preservation and cultural resources can be found in the cultural resources chapter of the draft plan. FOCUS ON THE CULTURAL ARTS
In this short video, Terrance Henderson, an arts educator in the City of Columbia, discusses the current state of cultural arts in the City, as well as what needs to happen to grow the arts scene in the future. Recommendations of Columbia Compass related to cultural arts can be found in the cultural resources chapter of the draft plan. JANUARY 2020 PUBLIC MEETINGS
Four public meetings were held to present the draft plan and engage with the public on plan recommendations. A brief presentation was given twice during each evening, videos of the presentation being given are available via Facebook. Use the hyperlinks to download the presentation document and view the presentation video. Review the boards presented, organized by topic below.
This short video provides a snapshot of what to expect at the January 2020 public meetings, and how you can stay engaged in the Columbia Compass process. UPDATE VIDEO
This short video discusses some of the themes that have emerged during the planning process and how those themes will be reflected in the plan document. NewsletterOCTOBER 2019: TAKING A THEMATIC VIEW This newsletter introduces the themes that emerged during the public planning process - these themes help us remember how each of the plan's elements are interwoven with one another to complete our overall vision for Columbia. Read the Newsletter NewsletterSEPTEMBER 2019: TURNING PLANS INTO ACTION Did you know that planning helped lay the groundwork for the revitalization of downtown? Examine past efforts, and take part in planning for Columbia! Read the Newsletter NewsletterJULY 2019: TRANSPORTATION Learn about transportation in Columbia, how to create a park out of a parking space, and how to volunteer for our annual pedestrian & bicycle counts. Read the Newsletter Survey AnalysisSPRING 2019 SURVEY 1,813 of you took our survey this spring, which was open from early February to early March! The purpose of this survey was to understand how you felt about some of the draft recommendations, and to ensure that the planning team understood your earlier feedback correctly. Read the survey analysis NewsletterAPRIL 2019: NATURAL RESOURCES This newsletter discusses our natural resources. Natural resources are all around us, even in the urban core. Read this newsletter to learn about the ecosystem services they provide, contemplate sustainable riverfront development, and more. Read the Newsletter Interactive Future Land Use MapUPDATING THE MAP The land use element establishes development types (also referred to as future land use classifications) that share similar characteristics of function, form, and land use. After careful review of context and the community's vision for areas throughout the City, these development types were used to create a future land use map of the City as part of the 2014 Plan Columbia process. A handful of updates to these maps were proposed at our February 2019 public meetings to better reflect community desires, and a few additional updates were subsequently made prior to finalizing the draft plan in response to community feedback received since. You can view the adopted future land use map by visiting the interactive City Information Viewer. |
NewsletterMARCH 2019: COMMUNITY FACILITIES This newsletter discusses our community facilities. The City's facilities are more than just buildings and parks; they include the infrastructure that makes up City services too, from water, sewer, and stormwater to public works. Read the Newsletter FEBRUARY 12 & 13, 2019 OPEN HOUSES
Open houses were held at Woodland Park and Richland Library Main to gather valuable citizen feedback on elements and recommended strategies. Review the boards presented, organized by topic below.
This short video provides a brief overview and update about Columbia Compass. This video was also available at the open houses on February 12 & 13. NewsletterFEBRUARY 2019: LAND USE PLANNING This newsletter examines the role of land use planning and the land use element in framing how we envision our built (and un-built) environment. You can make sure to receive these newsletters and other updates regarding Columbia Compass by signing up for our mailing list in the website footer below. Read the Newsletter Survey Analysis & Interactive MapFALL 2018 SURVEY We received 1,197 responses to our Fall 2018 survey, which included 5,085 comments and 37,014 data points. We learned a lot from what you had to say, and we think you might enjoy seeing our analysis of the data. You can also take an in-depth look at the mapped responses via our interactive map. If you took the survey, you may remember that you determined where to place markers on a map. You can click on each marker to see what a respondent said about the spot they marked, and as you explore the map, you may see some patterns emerge. How to use the map:
NewsletterJANUARY 2019: CULTURAL RESOURCES This newsletter discusses how arts, history, and design help define who we are as a city. Learn more about Amplify - the cultural planning process, and how arts, history, and quality design drive our local economy. Read the Newsletter NewsletterDECEMBER 2018: COLUMBIA'S ECONOMY This newsletter examines our economy - did you know that Columbia ranks #1 when it comes to having the highest industrial taxes in the US? You can make sure to receive these newsletters and other updates by signing up for our mailing list in the website footer below. Read the Newsletter NewsletterNOVEMBER 2018: COLUMBIA'S POPULATION This newsletter examines the makeup of our City's population and reviews demographic trends. You can make sure to receive these by signing up for our mailing list in the website footer below. Read the Newsletter INTRO VIDEO
This short video provides an introductory overview to the comprehensive planning process. This video was also available at the open houses on October 3 & 4. NewsletterOCTOBER 2018: COLUMBIA'S HOUSING MARKET This newsletter focuses on trends in rental and owned housing in Columbia. You can make sure to receive these by signing up for our mailing list in the website footer below. Read the Newsletter OCTOBER 3 & 4, 2018 OPEN HOUSES
Open houses were held at Richland Library and Eau Claire Print Building to kick off the planning process and gather valuable citizen feedback. Review the boards presented, organized by topic below.
NewsletterSEPTEMBER 2018: COLUMBIA COMPASS 101 The first of our monthly newsletters, you can make sure to receive these by signing up for our mailing list in the website footer below. Read the Newsletter |